Monday, July 12, 2010

Recap of my fun last few days.

Wednesday July 7 was at Hospital at 5:30 for my 8 o'clock Surgery. The Anostigielogist Dr. Gonzalez was so funny. He told me that double Margarita shot would be strong for me being baptist and all. I woke later in ICU that day hurting but John was right there and I had a wonderful nurse that made me feel wonderful.

Thursday July 8 they day flowed from one pain killer time to another. I was kept comfortable and they said I was doing so good I was moved to a Med-Surg Room. The room was nice semi private but behind the Nurses station and Quiet.

Friday July 9 the day was ok I was still on a Liquid Diet and it sucked. That night I woke up at 1ish with a tummy ache I called for the nurses but no one came but I know i had to go and that i could go so I got up. I was ok till i went #2 and the pressure made it feel like fire works going off in your head and all i could do was cry. The Nurses button was behind me so I could not pull it but my roomy call and they finally came to help me. I took a few nurses to get me back to the bed but I was in so much pain I could not help much. They gave me something but I was in so much pain it did nothing. After they thought I had calmed down they came to take my vitals and my BP was off the roof. All they sudden I had the charge nurse in the room trying to get me to talk, people in and out with worried looks and a few minutes later an in house doctor was in talking to me and assessing the situation. I had Morphine in moments and was calming down. My Blood pressure came down and all was right.

Saturday July 10 the PT person came in and had me walking and found me a recliner. I was still watched like a hawk and they seemed to take my vitals so often. I got to watch a good movie and walked. I was still on Liquids but I loved Juice so life was getting better. Granny came to see me Yah!!!!

Sunday July 11 well this day started very early I was up going to the Bathroom at 12ish when the nurse helping me asked if I did not mind moving in next door, they needed a male room and since both she and I were alone it was an easy fix. What could I say I was up and they did need to room so I moved in with a sweet older lady that took a sharp turn on her bike, fell and severely broke her ankle. She was sweet and so was her husband that had been sleeping in the room with her because she was alone. She told me they had never been apart in there 48+ year marriage and he did not want to start now. I walked early, was in pain early for doing to much but at least I was doing better. Sleep is still not fun but napping is blissful. After 10ish the Doctor come in and said I was doing so well I could go home. He also could not believe I was still on liquid. So as speedy as hospital dismissals go I was headed home by 2. John asked if there was anything I really wanted and I said a larger size soda. All they would ever seem to give you at one time in the hospital was those little juices and those little soda so I wanted a bigger one. Gran and Family where so happy to have me home I nibbled on some real food, but really needed a nap so I was ushered to a bed and propped up to sleep 4 hours later I awoke a happy but hungry girl. Granny had veggies and meat loaf for me. Life is good.

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